Δευτέρα 22 Οκτωβρίου 2012

SUPER FOODS The value of food on the runners plate

The variety in the diet and food choices from all the groups found to be the most important “ingredients” of a balanced diet, which can contribute to good health.
Often heard about specific foods that may positively or negatively affect athletic performance, while written for elite athlete’s rumors and special dietary requirements can upload them on the steps of the podium. Let’s see in detail each food group and what its place in sports nutrition is.
Red MeatDefinitely a source of protein, iron and B vitamins, essential ingredients for highly trained people. It is noteworthy that the protein requirements for an endurance athlete increase by at least 50% compared with the needs of an average man. Specifically, the protein intake recommendations for endurance athletes is 1,2 -1,7 g / kg bw / day, while the corresponding recommendation for the general population is 0,8 g / kg bw / day. Prefer beef or pork, as opposed to meat from the goat or lamb, as it is less fatty meats. Of course, the calf advantage over the pig, as a better source of iron, which is desperately needed for an endurance athlete for avoiding sports anemia. In the same diet, meat is good to be consumed to recovery, ie after training or after a match and the protein contribute to better recovery of the muscle of minor injuries. Of course you should keep in mind that red meat contains saturated fat if over-consumed increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Poultry and other sources of white meatThe chicken, rabbit and turkey are also excellent sources of protein and red meat are greater, because their meat is lower in fat. Although the chicken and turkey contain definitely less iron than red meat is noteworthy that the rabbit has a similar iron content of beef, rabbit and wild, not bred controlled, contains twice as much iron and an excellent source of selenium (antioxidant) and zinc, which strengthens the immune system. A similar recommendation has from ostrich meat, which is extremely low in fat and very rich in iron (a very good source of vitamins B12 and B6) while being very low in cholesterol than red meat or chicken. Eat poultry and white meat 1-3 times a week at lunch after the workout for better recovery and to ensure adequate intake of protein.
Fish and SeafoodThe fish are advantageous compared to red meat, as well as a good source of protein but contain less fat, which also is polyunsaturated – the famous omega-3 fatty acids. Apart from offering protection against cardiovascular risk factors, such anti-inflammatory, so it can contribute to better recovery from minor injuries. Similarly, seafood is good sources of protein low in fat. In this remarkable group of food sources of iron as sardines and shrimp. Advised to eat meals with fish at least 1-2 times a week after the exercise for better recovery.
EggsEggs are a protein with the highest biological value compared to any other protein source. Furthermore, egg yolk contains sufficient iron, phosphorus and vitamin D but also a large amount of cholesterol that does not seem to be borne by the agency and according to new research data demonstrated that cholesterol hired someone through food does not burden levels cholesterol in the blood. Eggs are a good choice for a meal after exercise is important to the first 30 minutes after training. In these cases the eggs are cooked perfectly and easily and quickly and if accompanied with 1-2 slices of bread and 1 fresh natural fruit juice is an excellent meal rehabilitation.
PulsesThere is a food rich in protein, carbohydrates, minerals and fiber with no fat, pulses, having a composition makes them ideal for recovery after exercise. Although the protein it contains is complete in amino acids as plant, but if the compliment with bread, rice or cereal, the composition of the meal is complete in amino acids. Is that like to eat protein from meat or fish, but no fat. Such a combination of foods is ideal, because it also provides enough fiber and precious metals such as iron. Of course, iron pulses are not absorbed as much as the iron in animal foods. But may enhance its absorption in your meal by adding a source of vitamin C, such as lemon juice or a salad with red peppers and broccoli.
DairyMilk and yogurt are a good source of protein and carbohydrates, so it is good choice for post-workout recovery, nevertheless, not be pushed aside the fact that according to recent studies suggest that 70% of the population universally treated gastrointestinal discomfort after drinking milk. So it is important to avoid eating before a workout or race, as well as gastrointestinal discomfort can range from mild to severe. It should be noted that yoghurt contains less lactose than milk and that’s why lactose is less burdensome for the gastrointestinal system. Another reason to avoid pre-exercise is that it contains protein, which slows digestion and may incur further gastrointestinal before exercise. Drink milk or yogurt so low in fat after the workout for better recovery and adequate intake of essential nutrients such as calcium.
The following table lists the foods that are distinguished according to the nutrients they provide in each food category.

Food categorySuper food+
Red MeatBeefExcellent source of energy and iron
White meatOstrichExcellent source of protein, low in fat and too rich in iron, good source of vitamins B12 and B6, very low in cholesterol.
FishSardines, shrimpExcellent source of protein and iron, anti-inflammatory action
DairyMilk, yogurtGood source of protein and carbohydrates, calcium
Bread, pasta, rice, grain productsWhole grainExcellent source of carbohydrates (energy), B vitamins, rich in antioxidants, fiber and minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and selenium.
FatsOlive oil, sesameExcellent sources of vitamin E, fiber and precious metals and minerals.
PulsesAll pulses in combination with vitamin CGood source of protein and iron, have low fat
VegetablesBroccoliAntioxidant protection and rich source of vitamin C
NutsAll in controlled quantitiesRich source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated
EggAll kinds of eggExcellent source of protein, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin D
Bread, pasta, rice, cerealsThis food group is the basis of the food pyramid, one of the best sources of energy, B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals like zinc, iron, magnesium, potassium and selenium. Before the exercise, it is sometimes preferable to white bread, breakfast cereals and simple white rice because it’s low in fiber so they do not bear the gastrointestinal system and the agency most directly charged with energy. Also, white bread, rice, pasta and processed breakfast cereals have higher glycemic index than whole wheat, respectively. The glycemic index is a measure whereby foods containing carbohydrates are ranked according to their ability to increase blood sugar. Any food or food combination can have up to 100 glycemic index, a value that is glucose. Foods with high glycemic index increase particularly glucose and insulin and especially contribute to the restoration of muscle glycogen after exercise. For this reason, prefer the first 30 minutes after exercise consumption of these foods. All other times it is better to eat bread and whole meal pasta, rice and unrefined grains such as oats, rye and muesli, because most foods are rich in vitamins, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal system to better regulate metabolism.
When it is better to consume foods in relation to training.
Before TrainingWhite bread, white rice, refined cereals, fruits
Immediately after trainingeggs, milk, white bread, white rice, processed fruit
After the trainingRed meat, poultry and white meat, fish and seafood, legumes, bread, cereals, pasta and whole grains, unrefined rice (black), vegetables, fruits, fats, nuts
VegetablesAn intense training program increases the agency’s requirements in a variety of antioxidants and vitamins. The vegetables are ideal because while it is very rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, while being low in calories. Accompany each main meal with raw or cooked vegetables, and do not forget to have variety, which can receive many different kinds. The orange and yellow vegetables rich in carotenoids, which have antioxidant activity, while green leafy vegetables which are rich in folic acid. Large amounts of vitamin C, which is also an antioxidant, can be found in broccoli, red peppers and spinach. Avoid lots of vegetables a day before the race, as they contain plenty of fiber and can be charged to the gastrointestinal system.
FruitsThe fruit and is also very rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber like vegetables, have a significant difference. It is quite rich in carbohydrates, making them an ideal source of energy before the workout and needed rehabilitation. They can also sometimes used for energy during a long workout, lasting more than 1 hour, if tolerated by the stomach and easily digested. A medium banana can contain about 25-30 grams. Carbohydrates and the human body can use energy of about 30-60g. Carbohydrates than those recruited through diet during one hour of moderate or vigorous physical activity. So, a banana or other fruit or a fresh juice can sometimes be safely used for energy during exercise. In any case do not forget your daily diet usually recommended by at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Fats and oilsIt is recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine, the intake of fat should cover 20-35% of energy needs of the athlete while reducing fat intake below 20% does not seem to improve athletic performance. Under this recommendation in a balanced diet 3,000 calories, may correspond to 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 handful of nuts (in a diet containing meat low in fat or fish). Vegetable oils starring the Mediterranean diet olive oil and other fat sources, such as sesame and its derivatives, avocado and flaxseed are excellent sources of Vitamin E, which are powerful antioxidants, like many other substances with strong antioxidant activity. Also, sesame and its derivatives are also excellent sources of fiber and precious metals and minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and selenium, which has additional antioxidant effect. It is worth noting that during intense exercise increases oxidative stress in the body, which may contribute to fatigue, which is why it is important antioxidants in the diet of those who exercised vigorously. Because the digestion of fat is delayed, cannot be part of a meal immediately before training or during it, and provides the energy the body cannot be used immediately. Well, then, is to use good amount of fat sources to meals that are not right before a workout.
NutsThe nuts may belong to the group but is beneficial fats and fat is mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated while containing a sufficient amount of protein. They are very good sources of minerals like magnesium, selenium, zinc and vitamin E, which are a powerful antioxidant and appears to have anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Eat a handful of nuts at breakfast or as snacks 4-5 times a week to complete the intake of important nutrients. Avoid eating before a workout, and are digested slowly and create satiety.
As shown in the correct combinations and balanced diet can support you in any coaching or playing your step. It’s good to eat foods from each group and to have variety in your diet to ensure good nutrition and health, essential ingredients for continuously improving your athletic performance.
Source: www.fitsn.com

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