Δευτέρα 22 Οκτωβρίου 2012

14 myths about weight loss and the naked truth

Everywhere there is a hidden … myth. And many more fitness. Let’s break down some, the most famous …

Myth No. 1: In 3 months you change your bodyThe Truth: The total body change (“transformation”) is something that is advertised much, but rarely achieved quickly and certainly not in just 3 months. Statistically, of the 100 people who begin a systematic program of exercise and do not leave in the middle, only 5 completely reshape their bodies after one (1) year and even provided that both follow a special diet. But everyone, even if we have favorable genes, we can improve our physical condition and to achieve substantial physical changes in depth but of time, if a workout with consistency, continuity and personalized program that fits the body type and our staff serves our goals.
Myth No. 2: First, lose weight, start exercising afterThe truth: only with diet and weight loss without any exercise will probably lose weight faster, but will mainly come from muscles and fluids. So after a few weeks while you’re lighter, but because they will reduce your muscle tissue and has increased the percentage of fat you will look fatter! In contrast, mild to moderate diet and exercise also, that neither “open” the appetite nor “petrified” fat, as rumored, the rate of weight loss may be a little slower, a few grams in a week, but lost the pounds will come as mostly from adipose tissue so you will look clear and thinner.
Myth No. 3: Just enough walking dailyThe truth: Although walking is an excellent aerobic exercise, especially when a fast pace for 30-45 minutes at a time, not enough to get versatile fit and does not help to compensate for normal muscle damage and subsequent fall of metabolic rate, which begins around the age of 30 years. It needs also at least 2 times a week, strength training, such as with weights or rubber bands, stretching (“stretching”), functional exercises for posture muscles of the spine and balance exercises on unstable surfaces.
Myth No. 4: You change program that resultsThe truth: At least for the gym is just the opposite. Specific stimuli produce specific results and their recurrence in the same way just keep them. To non-stop, then, improvements in your fitness program should be renewed almost daily or changing entirely at times, quite accustomed to before your body before the bored. The renewal is achieved by varying the method of fitness.
Myth No5: gaining muscle and losing fat simultaneouslyThe truth: This is different metabolic processes, based on completely different mechanisms and therefore cannot both occur simultaneously in appreciable levels. Gaining muscle requires to exercise a strong resistance, to recruit more daily calories than you burn and get sufficient rest. Instead, you will reduce your body fat if they create the energy deficit, ie hire fewer calories and burn more. Therefore, the correct strategy is to focus first on a goal and then another, in any order to suit better.
Myth No 6: Eat something before everything gymnasticsThe truth: If your main goal is to lose fat if you eat before exercise will not achieve the desired result as far as possible, because the muscles will draw the energy they need mainly from carbohydrates (blood glucose, muscle glycogen ). However, if you work out without eating for several hours, e.g. the morning when you wake up, your body will not have large reserves of carbohydrates so the body will be forced to burn more fat amount.
Myth No7: The more you sweat the more fat you burnThe truth: How sweaty suggests that the temperature went up and you lose fluids through sweating. Often, a lot of sweat is a sign that the body uses more fuel rate of muscle glycogen (carbohydrates), because each molecule of glycogen is burned eliminated three bonded water molecules, thus causing more sweating. To increase your fat burning, high school at a pace that allows you to “speak comfortably” and try to prolong periods of exercise.
Myth No8: You can lose 1 pound of fat at a timeThe truth: If you weighed before and after exercise, can actually be seen to have “ease” by 1-1.5 kg. The main reason is the great loss of fluid loss is not permanent and restored just drink the water that you miss, so you will quickly regain the “lost” weight. To lose 1 pound but the actual fat, you must burn about 7,500 calories. This is tantamount to running for 10-12 hours continuously on a treadmill or taking up from Omonia Square and go on foot to Corinth, but of course you can stop at the Isthmus on skewers.
Myth No9: With the many iterations “grammoneis”The Truth: The muscles meet at the training stimulus, increasing the volume (hypertrophy), to an extent proportional to the number of muscle fibers involved and the burden they face. To be visible Ripped form of skeletal muscle should reduce the subcutaneous fat between the muscle and skin. Therefore, the key factor to become the carbs, is the removal of excess fat. That depends mainly on your diet!
Myth No10: Do not stop if it hurtThe Truth: The pain is not an indication of effective workout! In contrast, a signal that something is amiss. No exercise should not cause you pain, inconvenience or excessive fatigue and of course no need to reach your body to extremes. To obtain benefits, the right is to put small, achievable goals in each program you to work out often and in various ways to where you feel slightly tired and not danger of dying your safety, eg when they feel good about an exercise, do not do.
Myth No11: Exercise lifts up the fallen breastsThe Truth: The female breast is composed mainly of fat, connective tissue and skin and muscle tissue is minimal. Consequent potential support is very limited, especially when is large. So when you relax and fall because of gravity, it is now possible to gymnastics or rectified by other physical methods. However, you can use a combination of special exercises chest, upper back and shoulders to prevent or delay further decline and also slightly improved the visual image, making it appear a little firmer.
Myth No12: Cellulite is diluted with local exercisesThe Truth: The local exercises are not enough to increase blood circulation and do not favor the removal of excess lymph, which together with the trapped fat and toxins, creating cellulite. To improve the vascular and lymphatic circulation, the most appropriate exercises are aerobic, ie elliptical, cycling, walking, running, swimming distance, etc.These enhance blood flow, enhance oxygenation of tissues, burn excess glucose and cause fat cells to release several fatty acids, helping to “dissolve” cellulite.
Myth No13: The belly “drops” with multiple abdominalThe truth: Even and 1,000 crunches you do each day, the size of your belly will not decrease significantly, nor will ever see “plate stomach ‘and abs’ slices’, if not remove the layer of fat covering those muscles. The appropriate way to verify your expectations, is to give priority to a combination of fat loss diet, aerobic exercise, abdominal exercises and targeted exercises general empowerment, preferably with additional resistances.The diet will mobilize stored fat with aerobic exercise will burn with the targeted exercises will improve your muscle tone abdominal, while the general strength training exercises will have more muscles throughout the body and increases metabolism.
Myth No14: Any exercise is goodThe Truth: Exercise and sports are a powerful “drugs”, which affect in different ways and to varying degrees everyone. But no drug, even the most natural, such as physical exercise is not suitable for everyone, no not without side effects and everything should be used as appropriate: thorough testing and evaluation of the situation before the “administration” of choice where appropriate, a systematic “taking” of a completely individualized “doses” periodic review of effectiveness, early change when this “cure” is not working as expected or should pay even more …

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