A multivitamin is a blend of essential vitamins and minerals. They are taken in order to compensate for loss of vitamins and minerals used when exercising, used as growth factors and can add additional vitamins and minerals deficient in your current diet which may be beneficial. Although, most vitamins and minerals should come from your diet, most everyone can benefit from a good multivitamin. They are cheap and can be helpful for athletes who are known to become deficient in certain vitamins and minerals due to exercise and dietary factors. Some studies have also indicated that supplementing with vitamins and minerals can act as a preventative method to prevent ailments for people who are at risk for certain health problems, however this is beyond the scope of this article. Not all studies show multivitamins are beneficial for athletes although most everyone will agree that taking them are beneficial and will not hurt to use them.
Always buy a multivitamin WITHOUT iron. The majority of the population is not deficient in iron and so supplementation with it is not necessary and can even be harmful. However, individuals such as vegetarians and menstruating women need to take iron, as it can be lacking in their diet.
Recommended Multivitamins:
Twinlab Dualtabs
Multivitamins should be taken once or twice daily depending on the recommendations by the manufacturer and desired effects. Never exceed the serving size of a multivitamin. Taking excess vitamins and minerals is not beneficial, and may even be toxic. Avoid “kitchen sink” multivitamins that seem to have every vitamin, mineral, herb and all sorts of other things thrown in together. These vitamins usually come in packs and have mostly too low of a dose of each of the ingredients to be beneficial.
Multivitamins should be taken once or twice daily depending on the recommendations by the manufacturer and desired effects. Never exceed the serving size of a multivitamin. Taking excess vitamins and minerals is not beneficial, and may even be toxic. Avoid “kitchen sink” multivitamins that seem to have every vitamin, mineral, herb and all sorts of other things thrown in together. These vitamins usually come in packs and have mostly too low of a dose of each of the ingredients to be beneficial.
** Check with a doctor if you are taking any type of prescription drugs. Some drugs can have interactions with certain vitamins and cause unwanted side effects. Moreover, vitamin or mineral supplements aren’t a substitute for a balanced, nutritious diet that limits excess calories, saturated fat, trans fat and dietary cholesterol.
Store brands like Centrum are cheap and work just as well as other brands. Some cereals like Total also contain the RDA of vitamins and minerals in a serving.
Store brands like Centrum are cheap and work just as well as other brands. Some cereals like Total also contain the RDA of vitamins and minerals in a serving.
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